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Amie Dicke has really pushed the form of illustration and design
by cutting into images of women to create shapes, which construct something
new and different. I really like how she has changed the images, but has still kept
some idea of how that image used to look. I think this involves a lot of thought as to
where to cut and remove parts of the image. I think putting more thought into
my work will help me produce better work - this is something I definitely
need to work on...


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I'm a big fan of tattoos.
Nikko Hurtado is one of the best portrait tattooists
 in the world! His detail and effort really make his pieces come alive.
I was lucky enough to see him tattoo at the Surf N Ink show on 
the Gold Coast. People forget how talented and creative tattooists are.
I would love to have this kind of shading ability - it's incredible! 


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Melissa Haslam is an incredible and influential artist to me.
Her style and look is exactly what I'm interested in.
Pencil is my safety-zone, and I would like to bring more
colour into my drawings. I would love to do water colour,
but I'm not very confident in that area. Maybe some
classes would help me. What really draws me to her
work is the fine-lines that she uses in her illustrations.
I think they are beautiful.


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Found on the Juxtapoz website, I love the organic feel 
and display of Ekundayo's work. He produces these amazing
illustrations with a street/grunge feel to them. I would like
 to one day produce an organic artwork of my own
with cool characters and backgrounds. I also like how
he mixes grey shades with the lighter colours to 
define shadows and light sources. 


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Joshua M.Smith has some really cool pieces of graphics.
His style and aesthetic is really strong and unique.
I love the look of his work and how he applies it.
He has a vintage/classy edge to his work,
which I'm really drawn to. I would like to create
 frames for my work to display them differently.


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Found on the Behance Network website, I thought Nielly Francoise
had some really creative work. I love how she has created her work.
The mix of bright colours really work in her case and have a
uplifting feel about them. I think the more you observe
her work, the more you will discover within the paint strokes.
I hope my work can have this effect on people.


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This artist's work has great ways or examples of collage.
Christoph Ruprecht uses collage in a different and unique way.
He really layers they images with other details and textures.
I would like to incorporate more of this into my work.
Really push myself to see what else I can achieve.


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Anthony Dart has some interesting work.
I really like the 3D designs he has created.
The texture and detail are amazing.
Also the placement of his type and images are great.
I would like to bring more 3D into my work,
to be a bit different.


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This designer was found on the Behance Network website.
Alex Varanese has some amazing work. He seems to use the same
colour palette for all his work, but it looks so good!
There are so many cool posters he has done. Check it out on
I love the style and aesthetic he uses in his work.
I would like to experiment with some of the
techniques he has used.


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POSE is a graffiti/graphic artist and is apart of the MSK crew in America.
The walls that he paints reflect the graphic work he does.
With lots of colour and characters to form his letters.
I'm more interested in his graphic work, rather than his graffiti.
I just like the characters he does and how he lays out his work.
Colour is definitely something that I'm missing from my work.
I seem to stick to the same I would like to push myself
and see what else I can do with colour.


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Jeni Yang has some very interesting ideas when it comes to her work.
Painting on wood that's shaped like bread is a very fun, different and
quirky approach. I really like her ideas though, they are really quite sweet.
Her illustrations are great too, I love the look and feel of them.
I would like to be more daring with how I apply my work.
Even if it means building something and taking
a photo of it to form my design.


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A artist by the name of Ricky Allman who creates these amazing collages.
I love the source of textures he has collected to produce his work.
This looks like a fun experiment with shape and image.
I would like to construct more detailed collages like this artist.
The light mix of colours with greys is a nice effect.


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Brian Viveros is another amazing artist that I've come across on
the Juxtapoz website. His work has a cool vibe about it. I think it's
how he poses his characters with a smoke in their hand or mouth.
The grunge aesthetic is great, the brown colours I love.
This work is just really good inspiration for me.
I would love to create something as cool as this.