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Amie Dicke has really pushed the form of illustration and design
by cutting into images of women to create shapes, which construct something
new and different. I really like how she has changed the images, but has still kept
some idea of how that image used to look. I think this involves a lot of thought as to
where to cut and remove parts of the image. I think putting more thought into
my work will help me produce better work - this is something I definitely
need to work on...


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I'm a big fan of tattoos.
Nikko Hurtado is one of the best portrait tattooists
 in the world! His detail and effort really make his pieces come alive.
I was lucky enough to see him tattoo at the Surf N Ink show on 
the Gold Coast. People forget how talented and creative tattooists are.
I would love to have this kind of shading ability - it's incredible! 


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Melissa Haslam is an incredible and influential artist to me.
Her style and look is exactly what I'm interested in.
Pencil is my safety-zone, and I would like to bring more
colour into my drawings. I would love to do water colour,
but I'm not very confident in that area. Maybe some
classes would help me. What really draws me to her
work is the fine-lines that she uses in her illustrations.
I think they are beautiful.


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Found on the Juxtapoz website, I love the organic feel 
and display of Ekundayo's work. He produces these amazing
illustrations with a street/grunge feel to them. I would like
 to one day produce an organic artwork of my own
with cool characters and backgrounds. I also like how
he mixes grey shades with the lighter colours to 
define shadows and light sources. 


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Joshua M.Smith has some really cool pieces of graphics.
His style and aesthetic is really strong and unique.
I love the look of his work and how he applies it.
He has a vintage/classy edge to his work,
which I'm really drawn to. I would like to create
 frames for my work to display them differently.


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Found on the Behance Network website, I thought Nielly Francoise
had some really creative work. I love how she has created her work.
The mix of bright colours really work in her case and have a
uplifting feel about them. I think the more you observe
her work, the more you will discover within the paint strokes.
I hope my work can have this effect on people.


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This artist's work has great ways or examples of collage.
Christoph Ruprecht uses collage in a different and unique way.
He really layers they images with other details and textures.
I would like to incorporate more of this into my work.
Really push myself to see what else I can achieve.